Project Sustainability

The ongoing focus of Pirate Relief is “Education”, “Awareness”, and “Sustainability”.

We’re also currently focusing on educating our crew in the ways of the sea, and the public in the ways of sustainability, environmental stewardship, & responsibility. By passing on stories, myths, legends, and tales of past – we will weave solutions for the future. Awareness. Understanding. Compassion.

Manifesting a means for our community to be responsible. Right now, this is a dream we are breathing into creation. The seed is being planted. How can you help? Get involved. Donate. Spread the Word. Help Raise Funds. We’ve already got our eyes on a few vessels, our Captains are looking into getting educated on sailing and ship operations, and we’re looking for a force that are interested in the project: Fire Spinners? Artists? Entertainers? Ecologists? Historians? Cooks? Crafts-People? Social Workers? Doctors without Borders? Guards? Crew Mates? Nurses without Borders? Have we left anyone out? We’ve already got a talented crew climbing aboard … How about you?

The world is simply not taking care of the Earth and her oceans. Oil, plastics, toxins, and waste are being dumped into our lifestream daily … We’re looking into ideas and solutions to help. We are striving to live a more sustainable and ecological lifestyle with a focus on “community”. With one of the world’s most tragic environmental Disasters – “The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill” in our own backyard, we realize strongly now more importantly than ever, we need to get away from the vanishing resource we know as “oil” and “gas”. With the horrid unseen and “out of sight, out of mind” growing Ecological trash heap known as “Pacific Trash Island”, we are also realizing we need to stop using plastics for day-to-day activities. Stop using those once-used water or soda bottles. Re-use containers and focus more on a organic and free range lifestyle. In addition we need to do something with all that plastic trash already existing. With the tragedy of Japan with the Tsunami/Earthquake of 2011, and the contaminants leaking into the oceans from Nuclear Power Plants, we realize everyone (including ourselves) need to be educated about the pros and cons about certain forms of energy, and how can we work together to find alternative energies and harness them sustainably. We are looking into projects that can help with revitalizing the environment, assisting the wildlife affeced, and help rehabilitate the damages of this and other catastrophes are causing. We hope to educate the public about these issues through art, music, theater, and storytelling … bringing to fruition the “Living Myth” and getting involved in any way we can. Mobility by wind, alternative fuels, and energies. Renewal and Sustainable technologies in which to effect change on the planet ….

Want to contribute to the Project? Join the crew, send donations, offer assistance, or donate below.