Clove powder, 1 ounce


2 in stock



Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum

The aromatic clove is a heady, strong aromatic tree

Medicinal use:  mild anesthetic, toothache anesthetic, disinfectant great for disturbed root canals due to germicidal properties. Added to toothpaste, mouthwashes, sore throat gargles. Added to foods and desserts, often with beets, green beans, carrots, squash, split pea soup, mixed winter fruit salads, fruit competes, rhubarb, prunes, cranberries, pickling, strong meat stews, cakes, puddings, mincemeat, marinades, spiced teas, mulled beverages.

Magically is associated with Masculine energy, the Planet Jupiter, the Element of fire, and powers of protection, exorcism, love, and money.  It is often used as an incense to attract riches, drive away hostility, negative energies, produce spiritual vibrations, and purification. Also used to burn to keep others from gossiping about you and worn to attract the opposite sex and bring comfort to the bereaved.

The essential oil is derived from Syzygium aromaticum, a native Southeast Asian clove tree from the distilled dried flower buds. It is a strong, spicy aromatic used as an antimicrobial for killing bacteria, a pain reliever especially for toothaches and muscle pain, digestive upset, respiratory conditions like coughs and asthma. It is also believed to have anti-cancer properties.


tags:  clove, syzygium aromaticum, anesthetic, toothaches, disinfectant, root canals, germicidal, toothpastes, mouthwashes, sore throat, foods, desserts, fruits, masculine, jupiter, fire, protection, exorcism, love, money, riches, hostility, negative energies, purification, gosspining, pain reliever, digestive upset, coughs, asthma, anti-cancer

Additional references:

  • Cunningham, Scott 1992 Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn, St. Paul, MN.
  • Kowalchik, Claire; Hylton, William  1987 “Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs”.  Rodale Press: Emmaus, Pennsylvania.
  • Sullivan, Debra  2019  “What you Need to Know About CLove Essential Oil”, Website referenced 6/21/21 at

Additional information

Weight 1.1 oz
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 1 in


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